If you need to manage and work with your wallpapers, then the Panorama 32 program is what you need. The software is a wallpaper manager for all computers that have any version of the Windows operating system.
There are many wallpaper-managing features that are useful. For one, you can search through the data on your hard drive for all files that contain images. This way you can use all images as wallpapers. The program can be run in the system tray if you would like it to. The program is capable of supporting the JPEG, GIF, and PNG image formats. Any image that is saved in one of those formats can be used and made into a wallpaper image. The images can also be scaled if done with MS Plus.
With Panorama 32 you can choose how often your wallpaper will be changed and how it will be. You can choose to have it change in any interval from one second up to twenty-four hours. If you have small bitmaps then you can also opt to have them automatically tiled by the program. You are also able to have the wallpapers changed in a random or sequential order.
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